Author: Our Medical Team: Iyanu Kolawole

My name is Iyanu Kolawole, I'm a professional content writer and web developer. I have always been passionate about writing and developing my coding skills. I started my career as a content writer and have written for several companies and brands. I am also a skilled web developer and have built several websites for businesses and individuals.I am a hardworking individual who is always looking to improve my skills. I am constantly striving to learn new things and to be the best at what I do. I am also a very friendly person and enjoy working with others.

The car crash involving Ryan Newman on the last lap of the race at Daytona 500 almost took away a father, a husband, and a racing legend from us. It marked one of the most intense and alarming incidents at Daytona since Dale Earnhardt's tragic death in 2001. During the final lap, Blaney, driving behind Newman, pushed his fellow Ford driver ahead of Denny Hamlin, propelling Newman into the lead. However, it seemed Blaney lost control after a nudge from Hamlin, resulting in a collision with Newman's car. Newman's vehicle swerved, collided with a retaining wall, flipped, went airborne, and…

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Not all princess stories have those magical happily-ever-after endings we dream about. This was surely the case with Grace Kelly, the famous movie star turned European royalty, who had a life more dramatic than any script she ever performed in. Her fairytale took a tragic turn when she ended up in a devastating car crash off the cliff of a winding road in Monaco on September 13, 1982. She didn’t make it and passed away the next day at only 52 years old. When the news of her death was announced the next day on September 14, it totally shocked…

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Gordon Smiley was an accomplished race car driver with a promising career ahead of him. He had competed in various racing events and showed great potential as he climbed up the rank. Smiley's passion for racing and his talent behind the wheel brought him to the prestigious Indianapolis Motor Speedway, where he hoped to make a name for himself.  Unfortunately, his dream was tragically cut short on May 15th, 1982 when his car veered off course and collided head-on into a concrete wall at a speed of 200 mph during a practice lap for the Indianapolis 500 qualifying session. The…

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It's hard to believe it's been 22 long years since Dale Earnhardt, one of the greatest and most recognized drivers in the history of NASCAR met his tragic end doing what he loved the most - pushing his race car to the limit, at the 2001 Daytona 500.  The whole thing was strange – I mean he was on the brink of a strong finish, but then, in the blink of an eye, it all went haywire. On that final lap, he lost control of his car, and crashed into the outer wall, immediately dying on impact. It was a…

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If you've found your way to this article, chances are you're curious about Serotonin Syndrome. It might sound like a complicated term, but don't worry, we're here to break it down for you in the simplest way possible to have a better understanding about what it really is. Serotonin, often referred to by many as the "feel-good" hormone, is a chemical in the brain that acts as a messenger between nerve cells, transmitting signals that influence various bodily functions such as your mood, sleep, appetite, and even your sexual function. But what happens when there's an excess of this serotonin…

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If you are a seafood enthusiast or simply looking to expand your culinary horizons, exploring the flavours of different fish can be an exciting journey. One fish that has got everyone talking about its taste is the mighty catfish.  Catfish is a popular seafood that can be found in most cuisines around the world. For centuries, this fish has been eaten in North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa alike. Whether it's grilled, fried, or baked, catfish has a unique flavour that is sure to tantalise your taste buds.  However, not everyone falls head over heels for catfish. While some folks…

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If you're a fishing enthusiast or simply love indulging in fresh, flavorful seafood, then you probably might have come across the mighty northern pike. Known for its aggressive nature and sport fishing value due to their impressive size (they can grow up to 4 feet long), this predatory game-fish is a popular target for anglers across North America, Europe, and parts of Asia.  But aside from being an exciting catch, northern pike are viewed as a 'trash fish' which leaves us wondering: are northern pike good to eat? After all, they are often located in cold, clean water. In this…

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Barracuda is a predatory fish that has long been known for its scary appearance with a sleek, silvery physique, keen eyesight and mouthful of razor-sharp teeth. They are a popular game fish, mostly caught by anglers for the purpose of sport because of their large size and acrobatic fighting ability.  Most anglers describe this fish as being quite aggressive, and if you have one hooked on your fishing line, be prepared because it will definitely put up a good fight just to prevent itself from being captured or reeled in. They are absolutely a fun game fish to catch.  However,…

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Curiosity about the mysteries of nature often leaves us with burning questions that are difficult to answer. We often find ourselves pondering over peculiar questions that pique our interest.  One such question that has intrigued many is - "Do fish sleep with their eyes open?" Fish are fascinating creatures, and their sleeping habits are no exception. Don't worry, we're here to shed light on this intriguing topic.  In this blog post, you’ll learn more about how and when fish sleep, and of course, we’ll also answer the all-important question on everyone's mind: Do fish sleep with their eyes open? Without…

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Have you ever strolled along the beach, feeling the warm sand between your toes and the salty breeze against your skin? As you explore this coastal paradise, you may come across tiny creatures scurrying about in the sand - sand fleas. Sand fleas are known by several names like beach fleas, sand hoppers, or mole crabs, and they are considered to be excellent fishing bait and are extensively used by fishermen to increase their catch. But here's a thought that might pique your curiosity: can you eat sand fleas?  In this fascinating blog post, we'll dive into everything you need…

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Starfish, also known as sea stars, are fascinating creatures found deep down in the oceans around the globe. Just so you know, starfish isn't technically a fish but an invertebrate. You can find them in countries located in the Asian part of the world such as China and Japan among others. What's so amazing about starfish is their shape and colours. They have these cool bodies that look just like stars, and they come in all sorts of vibrant colours. People have been fascinated by them for centuries. But here's where things get really interesting: just like their distant cousin,…

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Dolphins - these majestic creatures of the ocean have captured our hearts with their playful nature and undeniable intelligence. Many cultures even view dolphins as a beautiful and magnificent creature that brings good luck and symbolises freedom, with many going sightseeing to catch a glimpse of dolphins or observing them in a local aquarium.  But as we marvel at their beauty and grace, there's one question that lingers in the back of our minds: Can you eat dolphin? It may seem like a taboo topic, but today we're diving deep into the world of dolphin consumption to uncover the truth. …

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Have you ever observed a fish swimming gracefully in an aquarium or a pond and wondered, "do fish have brains?" It's a question that may seem silly at first, but the truth is quite fascinating. Fish are incredible creatures with unique adaptations and behaviours that have been honed over millions of years of evolution. We've been eating fish for a long time now, however, there has always been a debate about their intelligence and emotions. While many people assume that fish are just simple-minded creatures without complex thought processes, once you get to observe them closely, you'll realise that fish…

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If you're a seafood lover or someone who appreciates learning about marine life, you probably might have asked yourself, “does cod fish have scales and fins?” Well, you're not alone.  Cod fish is a fascinating creature that has been enjoyed as a culinary delight for centuries. It is known for its delicious taste and versatility in cooking. Knowing whether cod fish have scales and fins is essential for those who enjoy cooking and eating seafood. With this knowledge, you can make informed decisions when selecting or preparing your next meal. In this article, we will dive deep into all things…

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You are most likely here maybe because you are curious about whether shark meat is a delectable delicacy or something best left untouched. That's quite understandable, the last thing anyone would want is to consume contaminated or unsafe seafood. Sharks have long been regarded as some of the most majestic and fearsome creatures in the ocean. But what about their meat? Can you eat sharks? The answers to these questions and more will be revealed here and who knows, maybe the answers might just leave you surprised. In this short guide created just to uncover the truth about shark consumption,…

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