Drug addiction is something that affects every country in the world, and there are many addictive drugs we need to be careful of, not only illicit drugs but over the counter prescription medication as well. When somebody who is addicted to a drug comes off them, their body will go through drug withdrawal symptoms, which can vary depending on their addiction. Below is information to help those dealing with a loved one that has a drug habit helping to understand the drug withdrawal process and what they can expect to experience through the process.


Drug Withdrawal Symptoms May Vary

Different drugs have different withdrawal symptoms, and also people are affected by drug withdrawal in different ways. Some people may experience intense symptoms when coming off drugs, while other people may experience less intense ones when they go cold turkey. Whether you attend a luxury drug rehab centre in Thailand or anywhere else in the world, the drug withdrawal symptoms can vary quite drastically and include;

  • Sweating
  • Hot & Cold Flushes
  • Muscle Tension, Cramps, & Aches
  • Increased Heart Rate & Blood Pressure
  • Insomnia
  • Vomiting & Diarrhoea

There are also other symptoms that the patient may experience such as anxiety, irritability, seizures, delirium, depression, or hallucinations. The intensity of the withdrawal symptoms will depend on the type of addiction, as well as the personality and strength of the patient, and the experience is not precisely the same for any two persons, no matter whether they have the same addiction. It is vital to keep in mind that when a person is going through withdrawal that they seek medical attention first as the process can also be deadly.

The Importance Of Professional Medical Care

With the vast range of symptoms that can be experienced when going through withdrawal, and also the complications that can arise, an addict mustn't just go cold turkey when trying to kick their habit. The first place to go will be to seek professional medical advice before starting the withdrawal process, and your doctor may be able to help with some of the side effects by prescribing medication. Depending on the health of the patient and the drug that they are addicted to, going through complete withdrawal without medical advice first can be fatal.

If someone that you know requires help with addiction, then the first port of call should be to their local doctor, explain the situation to them and ask them for advice. They can then ensure that the patient is healthy enough to start the process and also recommend treatment centres where the patient can get professional help with their addiction.

It is often much better to go through a residential program somewhere that the patient is not familiar with, which takes them out of their comfort zone and can also help to reduce the temptation of falling off the wagon. Addiction, no matter what substance, is a battle that the patient will suffer from for the rest of their lives. It will get easier over time, but they will always have a monkey on their back regards addiction, so the patient must have the correct support mechanisms in place from friends and family, as well as expert medical advice.

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Am Isreal olabanji a dental assistant and public health professionals and has years of experience in assisting the dentist with all sorts of dental issues. We regularly post timely and trustworthy medical information and news. My goal is to enlighten everyone in all aspects of health towards participating in fitness, Dental care, healthy recipes, child health, obstetrics, and more.

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