A modern dental procedure that offers a convenient and efficient solution for dental restoration. Whether you're facing tooth loss due to decay, trauma, or other reasons, this innovative approach can help you regain your smile and confidence in a shorter time frame. Let's delve into the details!

In this article, we will explore the process, benefits, and considerations associated with getting extractions and dentures on the same day.

What are Extractions and Dentures?

Before diving into the same-day procedure, it's important to understand the fundamentals. Extractions refer to the removal of damaged or decayed teeth, while dentures are prosthetic devices designed to replace missing teeth and surrounding tissues.

Extractions may be necessary for various reasons, including severe tooth decay, gum disease, or to prepare for orthodontic treatment. Dentures, on the other hand, can be partial or complete, depending on the number of missing teeth and the extent of restoration required.

Traditional Approach vs. Same-Day Approach:

Traditionally, extractions and dentures were separate procedures that involved a waiting period between them. After tooth extraction, patients had to wait for the gums to heal before getting fitted for dentures.

However, the same-day approach eliminates the waiting period by combining both procedures into a single appointment. This streamlined process offers numerous advantages over the traditional approach.

The Same-Day Procedure:

The same-day extractions and dentures procedure typically begins with a comprehensive evaluation by a dental professional. This evaluation helps determine the patient's suitability for the same-day approach.

If deemed appropriate, the dentist or oral surgeon will extract the damaged teeth and immediately proceed to fabricate and fit the dentures on the same day. This process saves time and allows for the immediate restoration of your smile.

Benefits of Same-Day Extractions and Dentures:

  1. Convenience: One of the most significant advantages of the same-day procedure is its convenience. Instead of multiple dental appointments spanning weeks or even months, you can have your extractions and dentures completed in a single day.
  2. Immediate restoration: Same-day dentures provide immediate aesthetic restoration, allowing you to leave the dental office with a functional and natural-looking smile.
  3. Reduced healing time: With traditional procedures, the healing time between extractions and denture placement can be lengthy. Same-day extractions and dentures minimize this healing period, accelerating your overall recovery time.
  4. Enhanced functionality: Dentures fitted on the same day enable you to resume regular eating and speaking habits more quickly, enhancing your overall quality of life.

Candidacy for Same-Day Extractions and Dentures:

Not all patients are suitable candidates for same-day extractions and dentures. Factors such as overall oral health, bone structure, and gum condition play a crucial role in determining eligibility.

It is essential to undergo an evaluation by a dental professional to assess your candidacy for this procedure. They will consider your specific circumstances and advise you on the best course of action.

Aftercare and Recovery:

After the same-day extractions and dentures procedure, your dental professional will provide specific aftercare instructions to promote proper healing and optimal results.

These instructions may include pain management techniques, dietary restrictions, oral hygiene practices, and follow-up appointments. Adhering to the aftercare guidelines is crucial for a successful recovery.

Read Also: How Much Do Permanent Dentures Cost? A Comprehensive Guide

Potential Risks and Complications:

While same-day extractions and dentures are generally safe and well-tolerated, it's important to be aware of potential risks and complications that can arise. These can vary depending on individual circumstances and the complexity of the procedure. Here are some potential risks to consider:

  1. Infection: Any oral surgery carries a risk of infection. Your dentist will provide you with guidelines on proper oral hygiene and may prescribe antibiotics to minimize this risk. It's crucial to follow post-operative care instructions and maintain good oral hygiene.
  2. Bleeding: Bleeding is a common occurrence after extractions. Your dentist will provide instructions on how to control bleeding and may suggest avoiding certain activities, such as vigorous rinsing or drinking through a straw, to prevent dislodging blood clots and prolonging bleeding.
  3. Discomfort and swelling: Some discomfort and swelling are to be expected after extractions and denture placement. Your dentist may recommend over-the-counter pain relievers and cold compresses to manage pain and reduce swelling. However, if the pain or swelling becomes severe or persists for an extended period, it's important to contact your dental professional.
  4. Denture adjustments: Initially, your dentures may require adjustments to ensure proper fit and comfort. You may experience some sore spots or difficulty speaking and chewing as your mouth adjusts to the new dentures. Your dentist will schedule follow-up appointments to address any concerns and make necessary adjustments to improve the fit and functionality of your dentures.
  5. Bone and gum resorption: Over time, the jawbone and gum tissue may undergo changes, including resorption, which can affect the fit and stability of your dentures. Regular check-ups with your dentist are important to monitor any changes and make adjustments to maintain the best possible fit.

Success Rates and Patient Experiences

Studies and patient testimonials have shown positive outcomes and high satisfaction rates with same-day extractions and dentures.

Patients often appreciate the convenience, immediate restoration, and improved quality of life that this procedure offers.

Your dental professional can provide further information on success rates and share patient experiences to help you make an informed decision.


Same-day extractions and dentures provide a convenient and efficient solution for dental restoration, allowing patients to regain their smiles and confidence in a shorter time frame.

By combining the extraction and denture placement in a single appointment, this procedure offers numerous benefits, including convenience, immediate restoration, reduced healing time, and enhanced functionality.

If you're considering this treatment option, consult with a dental professional who can assess your eligibility and guide you through the process. Embrace the opportunity to restore your oral health and enjoy a beautiful smile once again!

Q: Is it possible to have extractions and dentures on the same day?

A: Yes, it is possible to have extractions and dentures placed on the same day. This approach is known as immediate dentures or same-day dentures. It involves extracting the remaining natural teeth and immediately placing a temporary denture in the mouth. The temporary denture helps maintain aesthetics, function, and assists in the healing process.

FAQ 2: Q: What are the benefits of getting extractions and dentures on the same day?

A: Some benefits of getting extractions and dentures on the same day include immediate replacement of missing teeth, improved aesthetics and speech, support for facial structures, and a smoother transition to wearing dentures. Same-day dentures also help protect the extraction sites and assist in the healing process.

FAQ 3: Q: How does the process of same-day extractions and dentures work?

A: The process starts with a consultation and examination with a dentist or prosthodontist. If extractions and dentures are determined to be necessary, a treatment plan is created. On the day of the procedure, the remaining natural teeth are extracted, and immediate dentures are placed in the mouth. Follow-up appointments are scheduled to monitor healing and make any necessary adjustments to the dentures.

FAQ 4: Q: Are immediate dentures permanent or temporary?

A: Immediate dentures placed on the same day as extractions are typically temporary dentures. After the extraction sites have healed, a new set of permanent dentures will be fabricated to ensure a better fit and improved functionality.

FAQ 5: Q: Are there any limitations or considerations with same-day extractions and dentures?

A: While same-day extractions and dentures offer immediate tooth replacement, there are some limitations to consider. The fit of immediate dentures may not be as precise as permanent dentures, and adjustments may be necessary during the healing process. It is important to follow post-operative instructions, maintain good oral hygiene, and attend follow-up appointments for optimal healing and adjustment of the dentures.


My name is Wisdom Bassey, I'm a blog content writer and graphic designer who provides support and services for brands and different companies. I'm young and versatile, A tech enthusiast. I carry out deep research on every topic I choose to write about. You can reach me through my social media handles, I'm always available and ready to connect.

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