If you're thinking about starting a fitness journey, you might wonder if you need a personalized trainer.

After all, plenty of online videos, apps, and books claim to teach you everything you need to know about working out. And many of them keep their promise too!

However, hiring a personalized trainer can greatly affect your results, motivation, and overall health. Here are seven reasons to consider investing in a personalized trainer for your fitness journey.

1. A Personalized Trainer Can Save You Time and Effort

Two types of people go to the gym –

First, people who come in and spend a little time on one machine before moving slowly to another one. They may half-heartedly try a few exercises before leaving. They might spend hours in the gym but not see the results because they’re doing the wrong exercises or not pushing themselves hard enough.

Second, people who have a plan in mind. They come in with a purpose and know exactly what they're doing on each machine. They usually have a set number of reps they do in sets of two or three.

If you're like the first group, don't worry! Your personal trainer can help you become the second group. They will plan each session so that you won't waste time.

If you're like the second group, your trainer can help you take your training to the next level. They will identify what changes need to be made to ensure you are challenging yourself and getting the most out of each session.

If you have a busy schedule, a mobile personal training service could be a great option for you. This type of service provides you with a personal trainer who comes to your location, whether that's your home, office, or a nearby park.

No matter how much time you have to train or what level you're at, a personal trainer can give you the tools and planning you need to maximize your results every time.

2. A Personalized Trainer Can Help You Set Goals and Create a Customize Workout Plan

One of the first steps in any fitness journey is to set specific goals. This means they should be measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound.

For example, instead of saying, "I want to lose weight," a better goal would be, "I want to lose 10 pounds in 3 months by exercising three times a week and eating healthier".

A study published in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics found that people who decided how much weight they wanted to lose were more successful in losing weight over a year than people who didn't set a goal.

A personalized trainer can help you set realistic and specific goals based on your current fitness level, health condition, lifestyle, and desired outcome. And based on this goal, they will design a workout plan that targets the areas you want to improve.

They will also consider your schedule, budget, equipment availability, and preferred exercise mode (such as cardio, strength training, yoga, etc.).

A customized workout plan will ensure that you are exercising safely and effectively without wasting time or energy on exercises that are not suitable for you.

3. A Personalized Trainer Can Teach You Proper Form and Technique

Proper form and technique are essential for preventing injuries, maximizing results, and avoiding plateaus.

A personalized trainer can demonstrate how to perform each exercise correctly, explain the benefits and risks of each exercise, correct any mistakes or bad habits that you might have, and modify any exercise as needed to suit your level or condition.

Let’s take the “squat” as an example. It may seem simple, but it's quite a complex exercise. To do the squat form correctly, you must consider many things like where to position your head, upper and lower back, pelvis, knees, and feet. Don’t let your knees cave in or lift your heels off the ground.

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Some people only need minor adjustments to their exercises to do them right. Others may need to learn the basics from the beginning. Your personal trainer will know what you need and will help you learn.

A personalized trainer can also teach you how to breathe properly, how to warm up and cool down properly, and stretch properly before and after each workout session.

4. A Personalized Trainer Can Motivate You and Keeps You Accountable

Sometimes it can be hard to stay motivated and consistent with your workouts. A survey of gym goers shows that almost 30% of people experience performance-based anxiety in the gym.

You might also feel bored, tired, or discouraged by the lack of progress. And if nobody is waiting for you at the gym, you might skip it and stay home.

But if you have a personal trainer, they can motivate you to work out regularly, whether in person or online. With a trainer, you might work harder than if you did it alone.

You’ve probably heard this proverb “if you want to go far, go together.” Research shows that having support for health and fitness goals helps people succeed.

A study looked at 11 years of research on weight loss and found that people were likelier to stick to their diet and exercise plan when they had someone keeping them accountable.

5. A Personalized Trainer Can Offer Nutritional Guidance and Support

Fitness is not only about exercising but also about eating right. A personalized trainer can help you with that too.

Though they aren’t nutritionists or dietitians and are not legally allowed to suggest meal plans, they can advise yours based on their experience with other clients.

They can help you create a balanced diet plan that includes all the essential nutrients and calories for optimal health and performance. They can also suggest healthy snacks, meal replacements, or fitness supplements for gym beginners that can enhance your results.

A personalized trainer can also help you overcome any emotional or psychological barriers that might prevent you from eating well, such as stress eating, binge eating, or food cravings.

6. A Personalized Trainer Can Help You Make Lasting Lifestyle Changes

If you work with a personal trainer, you can learn good habits that can last a lifetime. Research published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology shows that people do almost 43% of their everyday activities while they're not paying attention.

That means it may be harder to reach your goals if you don't make healthy choices on purpose - like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, drinking water instead of soda, and sleeping 8 hours.

But a personal trainer can help you make these changes one by one and support you when you face challenges. The best way to make habit changes is to start small and celebrate each success, and a good trainer can help you do this.

7. A Personalized Trainer Will Make Your Fitness Journey More Fun and Enjoyable

PTs ensure you have fun while working out by adding variety, creativity, and humor to your sessions.

They will also make sure that you have fun outside of your sessions by suggesting activities that you can do with your friends, family, or pets that involve physical activity.

A personalized trainer will also ensure you enjoy your fitness journey by being your friend, companion, and partner in crime!


As u can see, hiring a personalized trainer can be incredibly beneficial for your fitness journey.

They can provide personalized assessments, teach proper form and technique, offer feedback and accountability, provide nutritional guidance, improve mental health, and make your journey fun.

So, to maximize your results and achieve your fitness goals, consider investing in a personalized trainer.


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Am Isreal olabanji a dental assistant and public health professionals and has years of experience in assisting the dentist with all sorts of dental issues. We regularly post timely and trustworthy medical information and news. My goal is to enlighten everyone in all aspects of health towards participating in fitness, Dental care, healthy recipes, child health, obstetrics, and more.

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